
Maritime abbreviations

Photo by Chris Lawton on Unsplash

Speciel thanks to Ole Nørgaard who has contributed with his abbreviations.

Indeks 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Æ Ø Å

 Entry     Explanation
fFahrenheit, Forward, France
FFrance (gl. nationsbogstav)
Ffast lys
f&cFull and complete
f&dFreight and demmurage
f.Sdfint sand
f/nFixing Note
f/rFreight release
faFree alongside
facFast as can, Forwarding agents commission
faccopAs fast as ship can load/discharge according to custom of port
FACSFederation of America Controlled Shipping
FADMåleenhed for olie, eet fad = 159 liter, der går 7 fad olie på een ton
FAKForeningen af Aktive Kommanditister
FAKSFault Avodiance Knowledge System, diagnoseprogram for Wärtsilä-maskiner.
faqFair average quality
fasFree alongside ship (named port=Incoterms).
FASFærøsk International Skibsregister. I FAS registreres skibene i nummeroden fra OW2000.
FASAFederation of Asian Shipowners Association
FautfragtFragt betalt for last, som ikke skibes. Erstatning, som en befragter af et skib har at betale Rederen for ikke at have forsynet skibet med et saadant kvantum Varer stipuleret i certepartiet.
FAZFootprint Acquisting Zone
FBForenede Bugserselskab
fbmFoot board measure
FCAFree to carrier (Incoterms 90)
fcarFree of claim for accidents reported
fccFirst class charters
FCISFluid Celled Injector System
fclFull container load
fcl/lclOne shipper/more than one reciever
fcrForwarders certificate of receipt
fcsrccFree of capture seizure riots and civil commotions
fdFree discharge (cost), free delivery, free dispatch
FDAFatigue Design Assesment, beregningsmetode gennem hvilken man forudberegner alle de påvirkninger, som skibet vil blive udsat for gennem sin levetid. Herunder laste/losseprocedurer.
FDDFreight Demurrage Deadfreight
FDESPFree Despatch
FDISFree Discharge
FDTOCS"Floating Dock Type of Cleaning Dhips, en omvendt vasketunnel , en flydedok, der indvendig er monteret med en lang række børster, der kan justeres afhængig af skibenes bredde der passerer gennem flydedokken , denne form for ""flydedok"" er kortere end nor
FEFCFar East Conference, se Fragtkonference
FELSFar East Livingstone Shipbuilding in Singapore
FEMFinite Element Method, metode til beregning af styrke/tykkelse
FENSOFederation of Norwegian Ships Officers Organization
ferticonFertiliser Charter party
FESCOFar East Shipping Company, russisk rederi i Vladivostock
FEUForty feet equivalent unit, fyrrefods container
FEVOFuruno European Branch Office
ffafree from average, fire fighting appliances, free form alongside
FFLfixed and flashing light (fast lys med blink)
fgfFully goog fair
FGSOFloating Gas Storage and Offloading
fhFore hatch
fhexFridays and holidays excluded
FHFCFast Handling Flexibox Carrier
fhincFridays and holidays included
fiaFull interest admitted
fibFree into barge, Free into bunkers
FIBSFuruno Integrated Bridge System
fifoFirst in First out
FIFOFirst in First Out
FIFUFørst ind Først Ud
filoFree in Liner out
FINMARESoc Finanziara Marittima, Statsejet Italiensk rederi, der bl.a. ejer Lloyd Triestino, etab. 1836
fioFree in and out
fiosFree in and out stowed
fiostFree in and out stowed and trimmed
fiotFree in out plus trimming
FITFree In Trimmed
fiwFree in waggon
FLflashing light (blink)
FLLiechtenstein (gl. nationsbogstav)
FLAG-projekt"Fibre-optic Link Around the Globe. Digitalt teleselskab der lægges fra Palermo i Italien til Mura i Japan, af m.v. ""Cable Innovator"" i 1995/1996"
FLIRForward Looking Infra-red System, følsomt termisk søgeudstyr, +/- 0,1 gr. på een km. afstand. Anvendes af redningshelikoptere
FLSForward Logistic Sites (Søværnet).
fmFine Measurment, From
fmfavn (engelsk)
FMCFederal Maritime Commission
FMCFederal Maritime Commission (US)
FmtFaint light
foFuel oil, Free overside, Firm offer, For orders, Full out terms
FO (IFO)Fuel oil / Intermediate
FO FOBFree on Board. Seller sees the goods over the ship's rail on to the ship wich is arranged and paid for by the buyer.
foaFob airport (Incoterms)
fobFree on board
FOBASSystem oprettet af Lloyds register, til kontrol af bunkersleverandørers olieprodukter.
focFree of charge, Flag of convenience
FoCFlags of Convenience, bekvemmelighedsflag.
fodFree of Dammage
FOFFERFirm Offer
FOGFibre Optic Gyro, nyt optisk gyrokompas baseret på Sagnac-effekt, opbygget af tre fiberoptiske spoler og to elektroniske niveaumålere. (pris 1996: 100.000 DM).
FOGFor Our Guidance
Fog Det LtFog detector light
folFree on lighter
FONASABAThe Federation of National Associations of Shipbrokers and Agents.
foqFree on quay
FOQFree on quay
forFree on rail (named point=Incoterms).
FORFree on rail
forFree on rail
fosFree on ship
fotFree on truck or train
fowFirst open water, Free on waggon, Free on wharf
fpaFree of particular average
FPCFair Practice Committee
FPSOFloating Production Storage and Offloadingvessel
frFrancs, Flat rack (container)
fr&ccFree and Civil Commotion
FRBFast Rescue Boat
FRCFast Rescue Crafts
frcFree Carrier (Incoterms)
froscoSan Francisco
FRSFörde Reederei Seetouristik, rederi i Flensburg
frt fwdFreight forward
frt ppdFreight prepaid
fSfine sand
FS.faresignal for fiskere
FSAFormal Safety Assement, vurdering af den formelle sikkerhed.
FSFForeningen til Søfartens Fremme
FSGFlensburger Schiffsbau Gesellschaft
FSTFederation of Transport Workers in the European Union
Fst.fast lys
Fst.Blkfast lys med blink
FSUFloating Storage Unit (f.eks. Tankskibe)
ftFoot, Feet, Full terms
ftEnhed for engelsk længde: 1 ft. = 1/3 yard = 12 inch. = 30,48 cm.
ftfod (engelsk)
ft2square foot, 1 ft2 = ca. 0,093 m2
ft3cubic foot, 1 ft3. = ca. 28,32 dm3
ftaFree Trade Agreement Transport Association
fthmFathom, enhed for længde, især vanddybde, 1 fthm. = 6 ft. = 1,83 m.
FTKFlyvertaktisk Kommando
ftrr&iFor Their Respective Rights and Interest
fwadFresh Water Arrivel Draft
fwcFully loaded weight and capacity
fwdFresh water damage, forward
FWDDFresh water departure draft
FYGFor your guidance
fyiFor Your Information