
Maritime abbreviations

Photo by Chris Lawton on Unsplash

Speciel thanks to Ole Nørgaard who has contributed with his abbreviations.

Indeks 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Æ Ø Å

 Entry     Explanation
WWhite (hvid), Watt, West (vest)
w&fWater and feed
w&iWeighing and inspection
w&mWar and marine
w&rWater and rail
W.West (vest)
w/mWeight / measurment
waWith average
WAASWide Area Augmentain System, positionssystem for fly/skibstrafik. Har samme egenskaber som systemet: ENNOS, se dette
WARPETWestern Australian Petroleum Company
WawexRadarsystem til måling af bølgehøjder, anvendes især i HSS-fartøjer, se HSS
wbWest bound, Waybill, Water ballast
wbWater ballast
WCCONWhether customs cleared or not
wcconWherter customs cleared or not
wciWest coast India
wcmexWest Coast Mexico
wcsse under: QI. WCS: Worst Case Scenario
wcsaWest coast south america
wcukWest coast UK
wcusWest coast US
Wdsea-weed (tang)
WECWorld Equipment Control, softwareprogram til styring af containere.
WELCONCoal charter party
WEMTWest European Confedaration of Maritime Sicieties. Maritime sammenslutninger i Vest europa.
WENDWorld Wide Electronic Navigational Chart Data Base
WFPWorld Food Programme. FN`s afdeling for fødevarehjælp til katastroferamte områder. Disse transporter foretages bl.a. af danske rederier.
WFTOWorld Federation of Trade Unions
wgWeigh guaranteed
whdWorking hatch per day
WhisFog whistle
WHOWorld Health Organization
wibonWherter in berth or not
WIBONWhether in berth or not
wifponWherter free practique or not
WIFPONWhether in free pratique or not
WIPONWhether in port or not
WISTAWomen`s International Shipping and Trading Association
WLCWonsild Liquid Carriers
WLTOCH (distance)Water line-to-hatch coaming
WMAWeitemayer Maritime Advice, dansk firma
wmedWest mediterranean
WMOWorld Meteorological Organization
WMOWorld meteorological Organisation
WMOW.Meinertz-Olesen, elinstallationsfirma, ejet af Nordsøværftet og århus flydedok.
WMUWorld Maritime University, Malmø (Under IMO). Uddanner indenfor Maritim administration, maritim uddannelse, maritim sikkerhed, havneadministration, shipping mv. Især folk fra den tredie verden samt tidligere østbloklande, undervises her.
wnaWinter north atlantic
WNCWärtsilä NSD Corporation, sammenlægning af Wärtsilä Diesel og New Sulzer Diesel, (1997), se også NSD.
wowritten off
wobWashed over board
WOGWithout Guarantee
wogWithout guarantee, With other goods
wpWeather permitting, Way point, Without prejudice
wpaWith particular average
WPCWorld Petroleum Congress
WPDWeather permitting day
wrWarehouse receipt
WRICWire rods in coils
wroWar risk only
wrtdWithout reference to date
WSWorldwide tanker nominal freight Scale. Et indeks, der angiver tankraten uafhængig af skibsstørrelse og rute.
wtbaWording to be agreed
WTOWorld Trade Organization
wtsWorking Time Saved
wtsbeWorking time saved both ends
wwWorld Wide, Weather working
wwdWeather Working Days
wwfAustralian Waterside Workers Federation
wwrWhen where ready
WWSWalker Wingsail System, britisk firma, pioner inden for moderne sejlføring, især til bulk og tankskibe.
WWWWorld Wide Weatherrouting, under DMI, se dette
WWWWWibon, Wccon, Wifpon, Wipon